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Improved 취미 쓰기 With Evaluation posted at 15:14

As you may remember I did a post previously that was a type up of one of my composition practices based on my 취미 (hobby) with a translation to help you with some beginners reading practice. I promised that once my 선생님 (teacher) marked my homework that I would post the reviewed and corrected version on online for you to see. I don't want you believing my language level is high, everyone makes mistakes!! It's also a good example to see of how I review and re-work my composition pieces to put back in my portfolio for evaluation.

Any words in pink are corrections or added material to the piece.
Any words in blue are words that are cut out from the piece.

"내 취미는 음악 감상이라서 음악을 듣기 아주 재미있습니다. 그리고 내가 많은 한국 음악을 들기 전에 우리 어머니께서는 동방신기하고 전동적인 음악을 좋아해서 어머니를 통해서 한국 음악에 대해서 배울 수 있었습니다. 그리고 우리 아버지께서는 사물놀이를 보기 좋아하십니다. 그래서 나도 한국 음악을 아주 좋아합니다. 가요 듣기 제일 좋지만 재미있는 한국 인디스 음악도 아주 좋아합니다. 내가 제일 가요 그룹은 슈퍼 주니어하고 동방신기하고 샤이니하고 소녀시대하고 엑소가 있습니다. 작년에는 엑소의 음악회에 가 봤고 2011에도 샤이니의 음악회에 가 봤습니다. 음악회에 가기 놀라운있었습니다. 그 음악회가 아주 즐거워서 다시 대단한 음악회에 가고 싶습니다. 엑소도 샤이니는 다 멌있고 재능이 있는 남자들입니다. 나도 일본에 살아서 일본 음악 좋아합니다. 중국에 가 본 일이 없지만 중국 음악도 아주 좋아합니다. 내 제일 좋아하는 중국 가수는 이싱입니다. 지금 이싱이 한국에서 노래를 부르고 있어도 이싱이 한국말로 부르기 전에 내가 들어 봤습니다. 중국 음악을 듣기 때문에 중국에 가 보고 싶습니다!"

I won't add the translation on this post because you can use it as practice to search any new words/sentence patterns without being prompted to just look at the translation. Remember however if you have any questions about what I have put and corrected, don't hesitate to leave a comment and I will reply as soon as possible.

In a general evaluation of this piece there weren't many mistakes, and the large majority of the highlighted pink words are extra sentences and vocabulary I decided to add to make the piece from extensive and interesting. Additionally I need to practice more on my sentence order as I had to change a few sentence around, but also when tense markers are allowed to be used in certain grammar patterns.

I hope this has been a useful post in how I evaluate and re-do my homework for extra studying and practice! I recommend that every piece of work you do for practice, that in a few weeks after some more studying you should go back and evaluation where you could improve. It's really useful in determining your weak points and how to work on them ^^.

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My name is 루시 (Lucy) and I am a 2nd year student of BA Korean in London, but currently I am studying at Korea University in Seoul.

This blog will include helpful tips and hints on how to learn the Korean language but will also show my own progress in studying.

I will also aim to post reviews on Korean products and will post videos of my adventures.

Layout and header image by mymostloved with base image, brushes and background.